Do you smell of poo, too?

Thursday 16 August 2007

Middle Name Meme

Hey! I got tagged by Titus (who is a woofie!) for the middle name meme! Thanks Titus! Was it you who tagged me or the cats? Ha ha!

Right, well, I only have two names - Baby and Mao so I guess I will use Mao!

M = Maoooooooo!!! I think effrycat knows what this means, ha ha. I LOVE making that noise. I start off quiet and then I get louder and louder, I really build up to a crescendo until I get some attention or food. It works!

A= Attitude! Or rather, cattitude! I have it, so does effryone else ha ha. We all have major cattitude, even the sweetest felines have it. We are born with it and is the stuff that will help us take over the world. Hey, it works for taking over the innernet!

O= "Oh my goodness, I need to spray some air freshener before I pass out." I hear that a lot. I think what they mean is " Oh my goodness, how cute is that baby cat, I love him!"

Ha ha. I liked that Meme!

I am going to tag effrycat that hasn't already been tagged. I would list effrycat but I have to go and watch heroes because I am studying how to be one!

Love and hugs

Baby Mao xxx


Daisy said...

Baby Mao, you will make a great hero!

Anonymous said...

Baby Mao, why do you smell of poo? I feel bad for you. Heehee, I rhymed.

The Meezers or Billy said...

"oh my goodness, how could a smell that big come out of a cat that small" - i heard that for the ferst year I lived here. - Miles

Lux said...

Somehow I think you're going to make a great hero, Baby Mao!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, is dat what Oh my goodness, I need to spray some air freshener before I pass out." means. Mom sez it effury time I do my bizness~Speedy

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Baby Mao, you will always be our hero! Those are wonderful picks for your name.
Your FL furiends,

Jimmy Joe said...

It sounds like you already have a super-power: Super Stink. You are well on your way to being a hero, Baby Mao! Able to flush out baddies with a single odor...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Parker said...

You're gonna be a hero? How cool!

The Furry Kids said...

I did not know that is what "O" stood for. That explains a lot. Mom must really love me lots.

When you get to be a super hero, are you gonna have a super suit? Just remember, no capes!!!


Monty Q. Kat said...

It's SuperBabyMao! :D

LZ said...

Hi Mao!!!! I missed you soooooo much. Looks like you've been really busy!
