Do you smell of poo, too?

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Not of My Species Special Friend

Hey effrycat!!

This is Charlie! He agreed to be my Not of My Species Special Friend!

I was so excited. I like Charlie because he is a golden retriever. I am a stripey retriever so we have that in common!

Also, Charlie doesn't care that I smell of poo AND he says it is a good thing. Charlie loves to eat and play. You know, the more I read about him, the more I think we could be the greatest of friends.

Thanks Charlie for agreeing to be my special friend! I look forward to visiting your blog lots and learning lots about you!

Love n hugs

Baby Mao xxx


Mr. Hendrix said...

Hey, that is a great NOMSSF!! My mommy had 2 goldens before and they are good woofies.
I'm glad your move went well and you're meeting nice neighbors. I'm also glad you have all the new stuff in the new place all as yours! ha ha ha

Charlie said...

Thanks for the kind words, Mao. I'm sure we'd have fun playing together!
- Charlie
p.s. I added you to my Paw Pals list.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh Boy! Charlie is such a handsome dog!! He reminds me of my Rainbow Angel dog sisfur, Holly Belle Asbell.

I'm going over to visit his blog!!

~ Sara

Unknown said...

Baby Mao, Charlie looks like a furry nice new friend. It is also furry nice that he doesn't mind that you smell of poo.

Oh yes, my Mum says thank you furry much for coming up with the proverb "It's okay if you smell of poo, people will still love you" because she had it running through her mind all day Saturday. Over and over and over.......

Samantha & Mom said...

Great job, Baby Mao!! Charlie looks like a great NOMSSF! Dogs are cool, one lived with us as I was growing up. (S) Him and Tig were the best buds. We can wait to learn more about you new friend. We'll go see him!
Your FL furiends,

Daisy said...

I went to meet Charlie, and he does seem very nice! Baby Mao, you are good at making friends.

Anonymous said...

This is really a very exciting challenge. I am still looking for my nomss friend. I like Charlie, he seems nice.

Mosaic Cats said...

Charlie is adorable, Baby Mao! And most dogs don't mind POO STINK at all. Some even like it. So this is a very good NOMSSF for you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, we haf lots of woofie frends but dey don't gots blogs! Mom sez dat da woofies wood haf blogs but der beans aren't da britest bulb in da boks. We don't know what bulbs haf to do wif it...yoor woofie frend Charlie looks like a nice frend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Charlie looks and sounds like a very nice woofie!

LZ said...

Charlie is CUTE!!!! I loved my golden retriever, I miss her a lot even though she only lives 5 minutes away I never get to see her.


The Cat Realm said...

Charlie seems to be w wonderful friend for you, Baby Mao! I am with Mosaic Cat - he might even LIKE poo smell!
How great of you to go out and make friends, thank you sooo much for accepting this Dare! I find it quiet wonderful to see all these new friendships blossom all over the blogosphere!
Have fun with your new nomssf!
Your friend Karl

Karen Jo said...

Charlie looks like a very nice woofie. I think he is a great NOMSSF for you.