Take that moody Yao-Lin!! And no, the laser eyes won't work when I'm squshing you under my wrestling moves! Ha!!!
Haf a luffly weekend effrycat
Luf n hugs
Baby Mao xx
P.S I would like to recruit members into my new band, The Pooing Sunshines. I am on lead vocals - any more cats interested?
He he xxx
I'll do some keyboarding work if you're interested. I can poo with the best of them!
ha ha ha I can run your electronics. I love sitting on subwoofers.
um, what happened after you got off of Yao-lin???
Wow Baby Mao, you have Yao-lin pinned down really good! That is quite the wrestling move.
I don't have any musical abilities, but I can dance around in the background of any music videos The Pooing Sunshines create.
DON'T haf a loser leaves town match!
I can join your band - I can holler ........ er, I mean sing, really loud
Great move, Mao!
My sister Ivy said she'd love to be in your band. She likes to smack things, so maybe she can be on drums?
hahahahahaha (gasp) The Pooing Sunshines...(snort) ahahahaha. Oh, sorry, but...aaaacccckkk...The Pooing Sunshines...I LOVE it!!!
I wish I could do back-up vocals for your band, but I do not have a good singing voice. Maybe I could play the tambourine in the background.
Dude, da nefew is teaching me to play gittar! I am so in...aren't yoo coming to Eric's purrthday party tonite? Yoo gotta come...~Speedy
OK, Baby Mao, I have to admit that picture is really funny. But don't tell Yao-Lin I said so.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Judging by the laser eyes, I'd sleep with 1 eye open !!!
I used to be part of the Fluffy Meezers on Catster. Would you like me to something with you and your bandmembers? I'm very versatile.
Way to go Baby Mao! I have a seal point meezer who tries to rule the rule here, too. But you and me are both really the top cats in OUR houses, which WE own, hey!
Oh, and I sing along with her when she sings to me, mostly love songs. :)
= from Trixie. XX
You can't even type Trix! Oh, and I rule the ROOST!
Oh Baby Mao dear, I can yell, I mean sing, really loud!
Pick me! - from Pyewacket. {{hugs}}
I'll play the bunnykick bongo drums!
Way to go Baby Mao!
I can't think - those laser eyes of Yao-Lin's got me!
Mao, I tagged you for the cherish meme, c'mon over to my blog for da details!
Good job on the rassling moves. I can do back up screeching, I mean, singing, if you need that.
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