Bye bye everyone, I will be back online soon - will miss catching up with everycat but I promise I will catch up shortly!
Love n hugs
Baby Mao xxx
p.s I wonder how long it will take me to leave poo prints all over the new house? Shall I go for a world record? he he
Monday, 30 July 2007
Saturday, 28 July 2007
A Letter For Mummy
Dear Mummy
I know something is going on because there are hundreds and hundreds of boxes everywhere and you are packing away all your belongings.
I am a little bit scared because Yao-Lin told me that you are leaving and so is he but that I am going to be left behind because I smell.
I know that can't be true because you are always telling me you love me!
If we are moving house, can I still snuggle in the bed with you? Will you still play fetch with me? Will I still be allowed to jump on all the surfaces and knock things over?
Will you get cross if I leave my poo prints all over the new house? It will happen and I can't stop it so I just need to know.
Will I have my own garden to play in? Does Yao-Lin have to come with us?
Mummy, I trust you implicitly and I know that wherever you go, I go and I know that I will be very happy as long as I am with you. Can we give Kaia our new address so that she can come stay?
Love and hugs
Baby Mao xxx
I know something is going on because there are hundreds and hundreds of boxes everywhere and you are packing away all your belongings.
I am a little bit scared because Yao-Lin told me that you are leaving and so is he but that I am going to be left behind because I smell.
I know that can't be true because you are always telling me you love me!
If we are moving house, can I still snuggle in the bed with you? Will you still play fetch with me? Will I still be allowed to jump on all the surfaces and knock things over?
Will you get cross if I leave my poo prints all over the new house? It will happen and I can't stop it so I just need to know.
Will I have my own garden to play in? Does Yao-Lin have to come with us?
Mummy, I trust you implicitly and I know that wherever you go, I go and I know that I will be very happy as long as I am with you. Can we give Kaia our new address so that she can come stay?
Love and hugs
Baby Mao xxx
Thursday, 26 July 2007
A Meme on Thursday
I got tagged by Skeezix for a proverb Meme!!!! Thanks Skeezix!
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of catkind. They are often metaphorical.
So, my proverb is:
Just because you smell of poo, it won't stop people loving you.
I would like to tag:
Samantha and Tigger
The Mckitten Cats!
Love and hugs
Baby Mao xxx
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of catkind. They are often metaphorical.
So, my proverb is:
Just because you smell of poo, it won't stop people loving you.
I would like to tag:
Samantha and Tigger
The Mckitten Cats!
Love and hugs
Baby Mao xxx
just because I smell of poo,
Thursday meme
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Meezer Rule Wednesday: A well placed poo print will encourage your Mummy to change the bed sheets.
Also, I just wanted to thank everycat for their kind wishes on my birthday yesterday!! I got so many lovely comments and a beautiful ecard from Daisy and it all just made my day!
Lots of love and stinky purrs
(still a baby) Mao xxxxx
Monday, 23 July 2007
It's My BIRTHDAY!!!!

Oh My! I am a whole year old today! I am so excited, I just had to sneak on the computer whilst Mummy is at work!
I am so happy to be able to share my first birthday with the cats of the blogosphere!!!
Lamb chops for my birthday tea tonight and I think Mummy will have some presents for me when I get home!
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxx
Mummy is Excited on Monday!

Mummy is really excited because Mom Robyn has created some really cool products using some of her Thursday Thirteen ways to tell you are a cat blogger!
Calm down Mummy!!!
I think Mummy just wants to say a BIG thank you to Mom Robyn and the HOTMBC and also to encourage everyone to buy some of the cool stuff because the proceeds are going to kitties in need! She will be buying some stuff at the end of the month when she pays off her credit card. She is a shopaholic!
It is pretty exciting, I admit, but I am NOT going to poo myself over this. I am a year old tomorrow and I simply MUST learn to control my bowels. Uh Oh. Too late. Must dash!
Love n stinky kisses
Baby Mao and Mummy xxxx
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Thursday Thirteen
Hi everyone! I have been a bit naughty lately so I thought I would keep with the theme and post Thirteen ways to annoy your sibling
1. Jump on his head when he is asleep.
2. Make him play hide n seek when he just wants to rest.
3. Steal his toys and play with them in front of him.
4. Groom him enthusiastically when he is trying to ignore you.
5. Hide in the bathroom and then call out like you are in pain. When he comes running, pounce on him! It's all a big game!
6. Eat from one food bowl whilst sitting on the other. He won't go near the second bowl because your bum has been near it so you get double helpings!
7. Steal his blog. That one will REALLY annoy him!
8. When he is asleep under the duvet with mummy, jump onto the bed but accidentally on purpose land on him! You can pretend it was a mistake!
9. Pull the net curtains down and blame it on him. This works especially well if your bro is twice the size of you! Who would suspect li'l ole me?
10. Use his head as a stepping stone to get to a higher position. Trust me, your sibling will hate this!
11. Bunnykick him when he least expects it.
12. Start wearing his clothes. My brother HATES it when I borrow his shirts!
13. Eat his yoghurt when he isn't looking.
Well, that's all from me today! I hope everyone has a lovely Thursday and remember - if you have an older sibling it is your duty to annoy them!
Love n hugs
Baby Mao xxx
1. Jump on his head when he is asleep.
2. Make him play hide n seek when he just wants to rest.
3. Steal his toys and play with them in front of him.
4. Groom him enthusiastically when he is trying to ignore you.
5. Hide in the bathroom and then call out like you are in pain. When he comes running, pounce on him! It's all a big game!
6. Eat from one food bowl whilst sitting on the other. He won't go near the second bowl because your bum has been near it so you get double helpings!
7. Steal his blog. That one will REALLY annoy him!
8. When he is asleep under the duvet with mummy, jump onto the bed but accidentally on purpose land on him! You can pretend it was a mistake!
9. Pull the net curtains down and blame it on him. This works especially well if your bro is twice the size of you! Who would suspect li'l ole me?
10. Use his head as a stepping stone to get to a higher position. Trust me, your sibling will hate this!
11. Bunnykick him when he least expects it.
12. Start wearing his clothes. My brother HATES it when I borrow his shirts!
13. Eat his yoghurt when he isn't looking.
Well, that's all from me today! I hope everyone has a lovely Thursday and remember - if you have an older sibling it is your duty to annoy them!
Love n hugs
Baby Mao xxx
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Meezer Rule Wednesday

Always wish your favourite furless friend a very happy birthday when it's his turn to become a big mancat!!
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Monday, 16 July 2007
Meezer Monday
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Sunday Drama
Yao-Lin caught a mouse yesterday! He was only in the garden for a short while and he came running back in with this huge field mouse in his jaws. He wouldn't let the poor thing die though.
He kept squeezing it with his teeth to make it squeal and then when it ran off he would chase it and chase it and chase it.
I think Daddy caught it eventually and let it run off into the garden but Yao-Lin didn't give his mouse up without a struggle. Lots of growling and hissing!
Yao-Lin is now strutting around the house thinking he is some sort of aristocat because he caught a mouse. Well, I'd like very much to see how he would enjoy hunting if the boot were on the other paw.
I do have to confess that whilst all this drama was unfolding, I was warm and toasty snuggled up in my cat bed dreaming of Kaia.
I'll leave the hunting to the aristocracy. I just want to snuggle with my girlfriend and eat lots of stinky goodness.
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxx
He kept squeezing it with his teeth to make it squeal and then when it ran off he would chase it and chase it and chase it.
I think Daddy caught it eventually and let it run off into the garden but Yao-Lin didn't give his mouse up without a struggle. Lots of growling and hissing!
Yao-Lin is now strutting around the house thinking he is some sort of aristocat because he caught a mouse. Well, I'd like very much to see how he would enjoy hunting if the boot were on the other paw.
I do have to confess that whilst all this drama was unfolding, I was warm and toasty snuggled up in my cat bed dreaming of Kaia.
I'll leave the hunting to the aristocracy. I just want to snuggle with my girlfriend and eat lots of stinky goodness.
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxx
Friday, 13 July 2007
Fun on Friday
I have to tell you what I did last night.
At 4:00 am me and Yao-Lin decided to play herd of thundering elephants on the bed. Mummy and Daddy tried to sleep through it but they couldn't. Yao-Lin used Daddy's head as a stepping stone to get onto the windowsill, then we each took it in turns to climb up the curtains and drop on to Mummy's head.
When the curtains sounded like they were ripping, Daddy got out of bed and went to sleep on the sofa. The funniest thing is that me and Yao-Lin followed him shouting ' meooow' 'meooow' meoooow' and then we played herd of thundering elephants on the sofa so he couldn't go back to sleep.
Mummy and Daddy are both tired and grumpy today. I don't know why. Me and Yao-Lin are really well rested after snoozing all day.
It's a hard life!
Baby Mao xxx
At 4:00 am me and Yao-Lin decided to play herd of thundering elephants on the bed. Mummy and Daddy tried to sleep through it but they couldn't. Yao-Lin used Daddy's head as a stepping stone to get onto the windowsill, then we each took it in turns to climb up the curtains and drop on to Mummy's head.
When the curtains sounded like they were ripping, Daddy got out of bed and went to sleep on the sofa. The funniest thing is that me and Yao-Lin followed him shouting ' meooow' 'meooow' meoooow' and then we played herd of thundering elephants on the sofa so he couldn't go back to sleep.
Mummy and Daddy are both tired and grumpy today. I don't know why. Me and Yao-Lin are really well rested after snoozing all day.
It's a hard life!
Baby Mao xxx
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Thursday Thirteen
Well, everyone keeps sayin that I am not such a babycat any more and I was feelin a bit sad. So I thought I would post Thirteen Reasons Why its Good to be a Kitten:
1. You are cute, all the time, without even trying.
2. EVERYONE says ' oooh look at that cute little baby kitty he is sooo gorgeous' ALL THE TIME.
3. You get extra stinky goodness and it is the kitten variety which is way tastier than the grown up stuff.
4. You can climb up curtains without ripping a big hole in them.
5. You don't get blamed for leaving poo prints everwhere cos ' you are just a baby'.
6. You don't get blamed for playing on the bed and waking your Mummy and Daddy up at 2:00 am because 'you are just a baby'.
7. You can harrass your older sibling but if they retaliate, they get told to leave you alone because ' you are just a baby'.
8. You can play hide and seek really really well because you can fit into such small spaces.
9. Your clothes are cheaper to buy because you are small.
10. You get fed four times a day because ' you are just a baby'.
11. You can snuggle under your Mummy's T-Shirt and people can't help but think it is cute because you are just a baby.
12. You can do naughty things like having a wee in the bathroom sink and nobody tells you off because you are just a baby!
13. When you howl your Mummy immediately picks you up and says ' oh, what's up with that little baby cat, hmm?'.
I don't want to grow up. *sniff*
Baby Mao xxxx
1. You are cute, all the time, without even trying.
2. EVERYONE says ' oooh look at that cute little baby kitty he is sooo gorgeous' ALL THE TIME.
3. You get extra stinky goodness and it is the kitten variety which is way tastier than the grown up stuff.
4. You can climb up curtains without ripping a big hole in them.
5. You don't get blamed for leaving poo prints everwhere cos ' you are just a baby'.
6. You don't get blamed for playing on the bed and waking your Mummy and Daddy up at 2:00 am because 'you are just a baby'.
7. You can harrass your older sibling but if they retaliate, they get told to leave you alone because ' you are just a baby'.
8. You can play hide and seek really really well because you can fit into such small spaces.
9. Your clothes are cheaper to buy because you are small.
10. You get fed four times a day because ' you are just a baby'.
11. You can snuggle under your Mummy's T-Shirt and people can't help but think it is cute because you are just a baby.
12. You can do naughty things like having a wee in the bathroom sink and nobody tells you off because you are just a baby!
13. When you howl your Mummy immediately picks you up and says ' oh, what's up with that little baby cat, hmm?'.
I don't want to grow up. *sniff*
Baby Mao xxxx
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Meezer Rule Wednesday: Never be afraid to show off your feminine side. Your girlfriend will still love you.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Tuxie and Tabby Tuesday
Monday, 9 July 2007
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Rockin Boy Blogger

Hey!! I was nominated by Jeter Harris for this award! Thanks jeter!!
I am going to nominate:
Zeus because he is really really funny and grown up and clever too.
Max the psychokitty because his blog is really funny and the book We are the Kitties just arrived at our house and its pawsome!
Anyway, it is Saturday today and that means playtime with Mummy!
No Dr Who on TV tonight so I shall have to teleport over to my friends houses to watch it with them.
Love and hugs as always
Baby Mao xxxx
Friday, 6 July 2007
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Tuxie Tuesday

To celebrate my becoming an honorary member of the Tuxedo Gang Hideout, I have decided to post a pic of me wearing a lovely white tuxedo! Do you think it goes perfectly with my fur?
I think Yao-Lin is a bit (lot) jealous of my new friends. I have five words for him: na na na na na!
Love n hugs
Baby Mao xxx
Monday, 2 July 2007
Honorary member on monday
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!!! I am now officially an Honorary member of the Tuxedo Gang Hideout!!!
How fantastic! I am not a tuxie but still they welcome me with open paws. How lovely!
Thank you sooooo much guys!!! I hope you don't mind my poo smell. It gets worse when I am really excited. Like now! He he.
p.s Do you have any cool logos I can add to my blog to show the world I am a member of the Worlds Coolest Hideout?
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxxx
p.s Mummy asked if she could join too. I told her no. She isn't a tuxie but she isn't a cat either. Rules is rules. Right?
How fantastic! I am not a tuxie but still they welcome me with open paws. How lovely!
Thank you sooooo much guys!!! I hope you don't mind my poo smell. It gets worse when I am really excited. Like now! He he.
p.s Do you have any cool logos I can add to my blog to show the world I am a member of the Worlds Coolest Hideout?
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxxx
p.s Mummy asked if she could join too. I told her no. She isn't a tuxie but she isn't a cat either. Rules is rules. Right?
Sunday, 1 July 2007
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