Daddy was doing the washing and he put the tumble dryer on. As he turned away to go in the other room, there was a thud. Mummy shouted ' WTF** was that?' and ran into the kitchen. Daddy opened the tumble dryer and I crawled out. Mummy shouted lots of swear words at Daddy but the general gist was that he has to check the dryer in future because cats have been known to be really hurt from this. I wasn't hurt or shocked or anything. I was just a bit sleepy because I had been napping inside the nice warm tumble dryer for ages.
Mummy isn't talking to daddy now because she says he is too careless. Daddy said that it was my fault for crawling inside the machine. I think it wasn't anyone's fault, I was just looking for a warm spot to sleep!
This is where I get my curiosity from:
If Yao-Lin can do it, why can't I?
Love n purrs
Baby Mao xxx
Aaaaaahhhhhhh! This is a very very very scary story! I am so happy that you got saved just in the nick of time. My Mommie has read some very scary stories about what can happen if a cat gets in the dryer, so she checks before it gets started. This is a good reminder!
Baby Mao, here is a secret: if you act really scairt and upset about being in the dryer, maybe you can get some extra treats and hugs and kisses!
Yikes! Baby Mao I am glad you are OK! You must be very, very careful about dryers - they can hurt you, whew - that was a close call!
BABY MAO!!! You just gave me some gray fur readin' about that. Grandbean did the same thing years ago with a different kitty. I'm glad you're okay, just don't do it again!
Baby Mao, we are SO HAPPY you are ok!! We would hate it if something happened to you. be careful!
oh we are so glad you are ok baby
Yikes!!! Baby Mao yoo gave us such a frite then. Mum is furry newrottik about fings like that. She looks in and puts her hand in to make shore no-one is in there. If Eric wuz in there, she wouldn't haf room to put any washing in. She only got to hear the washing masheen go thud thud, and she knows we're not in there, but she's still got to look in the little window.
oh oh oh oh oh - being in the dryer is a bad bad fing!!! we is so glad you is OK!
Whoa, dood, dat wuz furry skary. We'z glad yoo is okay, but Daisy's rite, yoo need to play it up fur extra treets and snuggles.
YIKES! I'm glad they fownd yoo rite away! My FL wooda sed sware werds too. But then, she never lets Mr TF do the washing or drying cuz she sez he duzn't do it rite. (Wich I don't unnerstand: I meen, terning wite underpants pink is a good thing, rite?)
Oh my! We're furry glad you's ok Baby Mao, dryers is furry dangerous fur kitties!! We agree wif your meowmy, first rule wif kitties in da house is ALWAYS 'sume they's where you're gonna sit/stand/lay/walk/put something, so CHECK!!
Your beans need to keep the door shut on the dryer thingy.
Mum keeps the door shut and only opens it to put stuff in or out. So I can't get caught and go for a tumble.
We don't want you to get hurt Baby Mao.
Mao!!!!!! Don't do that again, because you scared me! Sorry that I haven't written to you in a couple days...Mom went out of town, so there was no one to hlep me turn the computer on...
Even MORE stinky kisses than EVER!
I'm still working on my meme for you! I haven't forgotten!
I am SO glad you discovered what was happening right away. Seems that this is a fairly common problem. I've heard much sadder endings. I'm so glad yours wasn't one of them! - Thanks for your WCB entry!
Oh my goodness, Baby Mao, we are so glad that you are safe after thumping in the dryer! Wow, that was some Sunday story!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
The Woman has yelled at the Man for not checking, too, and neither of us has ever actually stayed in the dryer for more than a couple of minutes. She keeps saying CHECK IT IN CASE!!! He knows better than to talk back...
99% of the time it's closed and we can't get in it anyway. But at least he heard and didn't just walk away without investigating the noise!
8-O That is scare-y! Baby Mao, climbing into that dryer is *such* a bad idea! Donny and Marie used to get upset when mommy wouldn't let them climb into the front-loading washer (the dryer is only top-loading)...but now, we are all glad to just stay away from there. It makes the most horrendous a monster!
Pls don't climb into these monsters anymore....
That's very scary Baby Mao - glad that you are ok. Stay away from those dryers - they can be mean machines!
Thank Bastet nothing happens!!!! I would have bitten the careless human!!! If you want I can still come and bite him? Do not go into that dryer again because humans can not be trusted!!!! So relieved you are o.k.!
And follow Daisy's advice!
And check me out: I am Cat of the Day!!! So honored!!!
Oh, the exact same thing happened to me when I was a little guy only a few months old! Mom didn't know I was in the dryer and put clothes in and started it. I cried out as loud as I could! She grabbed me and ran to Dad screaming "Is he OK, is he OK". I never got in there again but Mom checks for kitties every time before she starts it.
P.S. Tell her not to be too hard on your Dad. Even Mom's can be careless sometimes.
EEEKKK!!! I am glad you are okay!!!
Oh crap Mao. Thank heaven you're OK. Mommy would've yelled bad words at my daddy too. No more dryer for you buddy!
Thank Bast you were founded immediately! You can't stay in there, Mao! It's furry furry furry dangerous. Like 3 visious dogs wif big teefs an nowhere to run danger. An the beans has GOT to learn to check the dryer EFURRY TIME afore they close the door.
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