Hi effryone!!
Yao-Lin posted this picture a while ago but for those of you who haven't seen it, I thought I would post it again to show what a big tough cat I am! I may be a baby but I can grapple with the best of 'em!
I hope things are well with everyone. Sorry to hear about Artsy Catsy being shut down. I hope the stoopid blogger people reactivate their account soon!
Lots of love and purrs
Baby Mao xxxx
Is Yao-lin going to give you a piggy-back ride?
I love your peace globe!
You look very comfortable there. Something tells me Yao-lin doesn't love this picture...
You are one, tough cat. I'm impressed.
Earl Grey
Baby Mao - you is too cute
hehehe, that pikshure is great! And I love the looks on your faces!
Oh, yoor brofur duzzent look happy! That's a shame isn't it...*snicker*
Way to go, Mao! You wrassled your brother to the ground! Slam!!! You are the BEST!
Purrs & Kisses,
Artsy Catsy is FREE!
you know, baby mao, this picture is justice after the one he posted of holding you to the floor!
it's an interesting pose. did you choose it, or were you enticed?
i've tagged you for the 7 random things meme...stop by to see what it's about.
You do look really tough in that picture. Good going, getting on top of Yao-lin.
That's very, very, very cute!
Something tells me Yao-lin doesn't like that as much as you do. Thank goodness Rocky is free at Artsy Catsy. I think it was Yao-lin's letter that put them over the top.
You are a cutie Mao!
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